Awaken your Higher Frequency

Experience profound personal transformation and deepen your gifts through in-depth experiential learning and high frequency protocols.

  • Acquire new knowledge and tools to raise your frequency

  • Deepen your spiritual connection with divine source and earth energies

  • Learn high frequency techniques and protocols to support self and others

Included in this course

Valuable materials that will benefit you both now and in the future.

  • Energetic Healing Sessions

    $600+ value

    This course includes six energetic healing protocol demonstrations. Viewing and receiving the energies involved in these protocols is receiving your own personal healing sessions.

  • Self-care Healing Meditations

    $100 value

    This course includes two guided high frequency shift meditations and six guided self-care healing meditations that you can download and use for deeper personal healing.

  • Energy Healing Protocols

    $$ increased client income potential

    This course includes six higher frequency protocols to assist you in becoming a clearer conduit to support your clients deeper healing. You will have access to downloadable protocol guides to have available when working with others.

Praise for Awakening Healing Axis

“Being a devout student of the Healing Arts for over 20 years, my participation with Awakening Healing Axis has broadened my borders and expanded my insight and consciousness in ways that I have not experienced before. The vocation of being a Healer comes with a personal and universal responsibility to maintain the highest level of self-awareness and integrity in order to serve at your highest potential. Awakening Healing Axis has united an innovative approach and remarkable reverence for their mission to expand on concepts of energy healing.”

Barbara D.

“Thank you Jeannette, Franny, and Tim, for a wonderful week of amazing experiences and information. I again have elevated my consciousness and self-awareness to new heights. The frequencies that you bring forward to our collective is beyond description. My heart is open, my mind is clear, and I am ready to move forward with new-found excitement and joy. Thank you for what you do!”

Michele J.

“I love the AHA retreat and workshops. They bring such positivity and love into the world. They help us to expand the depths of our Souls. They teach advanced techniques that stretch our minds to all the possibilities of using the higher frequencies. The healing possibilities are endless for ourselves, others, the world, and the universe. It has created a desire in me to learn even more than the enormous amount that was covered, about the angelic realms, guides and Ascended Masters, crystals, neuroplasticity, our DNA, the physical body, and quantum physics.”

Penny M-H

“Thank you for being the hole in the flute that this consciousness shines through!”

Jon S.

Course curriculum

“Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP-3285, for the stated number of contact hours.” (21 hours) This course is accepted for Nursing CE credit in mandatory CE states. This course will also meet requirements for many national Nursing accrediting organizations. Please contact Taylor College for Continuing Education 800-743-4006 or your licensing Board for confirmation.

    1. Welcome from the Presenters

    2. Navigating this course

    3. About this course

    4. We would like to know about you

    1. Introducing Awakening Healing Axis' Energetic Framework

    2. AHA Energetic Framework Presentation

    1. Introducing our Basic High Frequency Shift - BHFS

    2. Basic High Frequency Shift - BHFS Presentation

    3. Guided BHFS (Basic High Frequency Shift) Meditation

    1. Introducing our Advanced High Frequency Shift - AHFS

    2. Advanced High Frequency Shift- AHFS Presentation

    3. Guided AHFS (Advanced High Frequency Shift) Meditation

    1. Introducing Working with Plasma

    2. Working in Plasma Presentation and Experiential

    1. Introducing Client High Frequency Shift

    2. Client High Frequency Shift Demonstration

About this course

  • $549.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content


  • You talk about raising your frequency, what is this?

    Raising one’s frequency is a practice of intentionally connecting with higher and higher aspects of oneself through strengthening the deepest core of our human and spiritual existence. It is achieved by elevating to a higher octave, to be in closer contact with the Divine while being fully present on the earth.

  • Why is it important to raise my frequency?

    Raising your frequency supports self-transformation, living more and more from a place of joy, self-compassion, and love for self and for our fellow human beings. A continued step to higher and higher frequencies allows us to be a conduit for healing of self and for others in supporting humanity and for planetary evolution.

  • Is there a link between Awakening Healing Axis energy work and science?

    In AHA, we regularly review the scientific data and research. We weave the scientific understanding into our work to the best of our ability, but don't let science limit us from exploring beyond. We recognize that the magnificence of our world and far-reaching galaxies are way more complex than we understand, which is why we continue to explore this frontier.

Meet your Presenter(s)

Tim McConville

HTCP/I, QM, AHA Lead Presenter

Trained as an engineer and a healer, Tim bridges the world of science and spirit, bringing to each moment a profound groundedness, strong sense of higher mind, and powerful intuition to facilitate deep healing for self, others, and humanity. Tim is certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor, and Qualified Mentor and teaching levels 1-5 of Healing Touch Program, where he has served in leadership roles. Tim is co-creator of Awakening Healing Axis, an author of 3 books, co-creating and bringing forward over 35 advanced high frequency healing protocols. He has taught Cleansing Flow and other energy healing modalities as well. Tim teaches regularly in the Minneapolis area and Sweden and has taught in Nepal. His intuitive healing work serves a wide variety of clients in a private practice. He has also been involved with local hospital Integrative Medicine programs as both a researcher and practitioner.

Franny Harcey

HTCP, QM, AHA Lead Presenter

Franny is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Qualified Mentor, and author. She is co-creator of Awakening Healing Axis, an author of 2 books, co-creating and bringing forward over 35 advanced high frequency healing protocols. Franny works with individuals interested in personal transformation, physical healing, and soul evolution. She has been on a spiritual journey since childhood and embraces the personal gifts and teaching from elders of the healing world. Franny has blended these teachings with her deep intuitive gifts and discoveries to bring this high frequency work into her healing practice, facilitating profound shifts for self, others, and the global collective.

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Evolve Yourself and Your Energy Healing to a Higher Frequency

Learn how to raise your frequency and embody new higher frequency protocols to support your healing and healing for others.