Why Raise Your Frequency

Do you have feelings of sadness, disconnection, frustration, fear? These are low frequency emotions.

Do you feel love, joy, hope, awe, and connection in your life? These are higher frequency emotions.

Do you feel connected spiritually? Are you and your soul in regular communication?

Raising your frequency helps to transform low frequency emotions towards higher frequency emotions. It enhances your spiritual life, allowing deeper connections to soul.

Holding a higher frequency shows up in a multitude of forms in our lives such as: improved health, more positive relationships, more stable and uplifted mental health and a richer spiritual live.

Our “Basic High Frequency Shift” is a tool to begin raising your frequency to higher levels.

Although the capacity to shift our frequency higher is easy to learn, it requires continued practice. It has the potential to change each of us in amazing ways and its ripples can change the entire planet. We invite you join in raising your frequency to support human and planetary evolution.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from your presenters

    2. How to navigate this course

    1. Introducing our Basic High Frequency Shift - BHFS

    2. Basic High Frequency Shift - BHFS Presentation

    3. Guided BHFS (Basic High Frequency Shift) Meditation

    1. Enjoy your journey

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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Are you ready to discover the transformative power of raising your frequency, starting today